LEXINGTON, Ky. – More than 30 years ago, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled all students have the right to an adequate education that is properly funded.
This is because of the Rose v. Council for Better Education case.
One Kentucky group is now revisiting that landmark case and asking the community for input with its Rose Revival Campaign.
The Kentucky Student Voice Team (KSVT) has hosted a handful of Rose Revival forums across the Commonwealth.
“I think that once we’re educated about what’s going on and what’s not happened and what needs to happen, then I think we can move forward,” said Danny Everett, a school equity advocate and forum attendee.
Saturday marked a time of open discussion between students, parents, educators and education advocates on the good and bad within Kentucky education.
“Its just really about educational justice and equity and we really try to push for that. One way that we do this is through our Rose Revival Campaign, which focuses more on the 1989 Rose decision and how that still effects us today,” said KSVT member Luisa Sanchez.
The revival brings to light seven points that create an adequate education within a school system.
Those points include communication skills, college and career readiness, and mental and physical health among four others.
This forum gives people a place to voice concerns about what they experience in their own schools.
“I went to a high school with about 800 people and I think we had about two counselors in that school for 800, and we only ever went to them when it was time to apply for colleges. That was it,” said father and forum attendee, Adam Moore.
Several people said events like this can help bridge a gap between policy makers and those who are impacted by their work.