NEW YORK — A new survey of the entertainment industry finds that the culture of Hollywood has shifted in the years since the downfall of Harvey Weinstein and the launch of the #MeToo movement, but many still don’t trust that sexual harassers will be held accountable.
The Hollywood Commission, chaired by Anita Hill, was founded in 2017 to help stop workplace harassment and discrimination in the entertainment industry. On Thursday, it released its second survey, pulled from interviews with more than 5,200 anonymous industry workers, of how behavior and attitudes are changing in Hollywood.
“There has been increased awareness of what the problems are, what behaviors are acceptable and what behaviors aren’t acceptable, and what the systems are for confronting those problems,” Hill said in an interview. “Now, people are understanding that this is a systemic problem.”
Yet just 31% of entertainment workers believe it’s likely that a powerful harasser will be held accountable. Among women, that percentage is just 27% and has remained largely unchanged in recent years.
“Accountability has been a problem,” said Hill. “What we’re seeing now is that people recognize that those high-profile cases are out there, but they don’t see those cases having much of an impact that work their way down through their organizations.”
Reports of workplace misconduct remain high, and haven’t changed much in the last four years, according to the survey. Some 64% of women said they experienced situations of sexual harassment, down from 67% in 2020. Among men, the percentage has remained 62%.